Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Packing the Powder Room

By Scott Boone

Image courtesy of Public Domain Pictures
When it comes to packing for a move, some rooms are easy, and some are hard.  Some are like Rodney Dangerfield in that they get no respect at all.  Such is the karma of the lowly powder room.  The term actually got its start in the 18th Century, when it was a closet into which people went to add powder their wigs.  During the Victorian Era, the term was changed to allow guests to discreetly excuse themselves to answer natures call.  To this day, some women still excuse themselves from polite company by informing one and all that they need to “Powder their noses.”

While it’s all well and good from a historical context, today’s powder room can be historically difficult to pack properly.  That's largely due to three factors, which I will enumerate below.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Do You Need to Downsize?

By Scott Boone

Image courtesy of Wikimedia
Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of media coverage for what is known as the Tiny House Movement.  This fad has been picking up steam for the past couple of years.  Where in years past, Americans have been hog wild about moving into ever larger houses, the trend lately has turned this concept on its head.  In fact, some people are now taking tiny houses to an extreme, by moving into dwellings that would have been considered backyard sheds in years past.  We’re talking houses with less than 500 square feet of living space.  Sometimes significantly less.  I’ve seen tiny homes as small as 300 square feet.  I have owned garages with more space than that.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The ABCs of Corporate Relocation

By Scott Boone

Image courtesy of Wikimedia
Congratulations on that new promotion.  Working your way up the corporate ladder is considered a rite of passage for many ambitious executives.  Unfortunately, before many busy executives can assume the mantle of responsibility that a new position entails, some are required to relocate themselves and their family.  This can add a tremendous amount of stress to dealing with a new title.  Many times, the anxiety involved in making a move can be far greater than that involved with learning the ins and outs of a new job.  To make the task less difficult, I have come up with a short list of items that are designed to grease the skids of transition for everyone involved.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Day After a Move

By Scott Boone

Image courtesy of Scott's Discount Movers
You’ve finally done it.  You have successfully moved into your new home.  After taking a month or more to organize, pack and ship everything you own from one place to another, you probably feel like you need somebody to give you a high five.  Either that or you feel like you need to take a 2-day nap.  Either way, the worst is behind you right?  That depends on how much you moved and how well you organized the sea of boxes that now awaits you.  I hate to break it to you, but you’re not out of the woods yet.

The Party Has Only Just Begun