Thursday, April 27, 2017

Moving Day Mistakes

By Scott Boone

So, the big day has finally arrived.  You have gathered, sorted and packed your belongings into a seemingly endless pile of boxes.  You have protected your breakables and expensive electronics.  The kids have been packed off to a relative or friend to free you up to move some of the essentials in your own vehicle.  It should be smooth sailing from here, right?  Before you start giving your spouse or significant other a high five, allow me to point out a few flies in the ointment that could mar an otherwise flawless move.

Here Kitty, Kitty!
Image courtesy of commons.wikimedia/org

While you may have trundled the kids off to a friend or relative for their sake and yours, did you think to take care of the pets?  Having a dog, cat or bird at large, or lost somewhere in a sea of boxes is the last thing you want when you are trying to execute a move.  Not only can they be a hazard to your moving crew, they can be in danger themselves.  Just think of what could happen were the movers to trip over or step on your pet.  What if your pet should get out of the house while the move is underway?  Having to comb through the neighborhood for a pet on the loose could throw a monkey wrench into your carefully laid moving plans.  A better bet would be to have a friend or neighbor take the pets until after the move is complete.  All parties concerned will breathe a lot easier. 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

10 Reasons to Move

By Scott Boone
Image courtesy of Scott's Discount Movers

Nobody likes moving.  It’s disruptive, it’s messy and it’s expensive.  Still, there many reasons why moving makes sense.  If you have been wrestling with either staying in your current abode or heading for the hills, let me give you 10 reasons to consider pulling the trigger.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Learning the Language of Movers

By Scott Boone

Image courtesy of
As if moving wasn’t stressful enough, if you have recently spoken to a professional mover, you realize that they have a language all their own.  The reason that many movers seem to speak in tongues has to do with the fact that the freight hauling industry got its start not in air conditioned trucks, but in Conestoga wagons.  That’s right pardner, while professional moving companies might be cellphone enabled and computer equipped nowadays, the industry itself still uses jargon that was coined during the horse and buggy era.  So, if you don’t know your Accessorial Services from a hole in the ground, this blog should help you learn the language of movers.