Thursday, April 20, 2017

10 Reasons to Move

By Scott Boone
Image courtesy of Scott's Discount Movers

Nobody likes moving.  It’s disruptive, it’s messy and it’s expensive.  Still, there many reasons why moving makes sense.  If you have been wrestling with either staying in your current abode or heading for the hills, let me give you 10 reasons to consider pulling the trigger.

Reason #1 – There’s no space

The number one reason to consider a move is when your current residence starts to seem claustrophobic.  Whether it’s due to a growing family, or simply due to your growing collection of belongings, there comes a time when moving up makes sense.  Another reason to consider relocating into a more spacious abode is when your mom or mother-in-law moves in with you.  If your cozy 2-bedroom home suddenly starts to seem a bit too close for comfort, it’s time to look for a more spacious dwelling, perhaps one with a mother-in-law suite.

Reason #2 – There’s too much space

Realtors call it downsizing.  But for many families, there comes a time whether for financial considerations, family considerations or health considerations, when moving to a smaller dwelling just makes sense.  Once the kids have grown and gone, do you really need a 4-bedroom home to live comfortably?  If more of your time, energy and money goes into cleaning and maintaining your home then it does in enjoying what it has to offer, then it’s high time you looked for a smaller residence.  If your health has taken a turn for the worse, or age rears its ugly head by making a climb up a flight of stairs only slightly less daunting than scaling Mr. Everest, it’s probably time you looked for a ranch home or first floor condo to call your own.

Reason #3 – There goes the neighborhood

As times change, so can the situation in your neighborhood.  Whether it’s due to your neighborhood suddenly becoming riddled with crime, or a noisy neighbor who likes to rev up his Harley Davidson every morning at 6 a.m., sometimes there comes a time when it just makes sense to start looking for a new neighborhood for you and yours.  If you fear for your safety every time you walk out the front door, or you can’t get a wink of sleep due to your neighbors barking dogs, then it might be time to start scouting a new location. Just make sure you perform your due diligence by speaking to your prospective neighbors-to-be or you might wind up moving from one problem area to another. 

Reason #4 – Commuting sucks

Image courtesy of Scott's Discount Movers
This is a reason I can certainly relate to.  A few years ago, I lived on one side of Jacksonville and commuted about 20 minutes to work every day.  You’re probably thinking, “That doesn’t sound so bad.”  For about a year it wasn’t.  Then JEA started tearing up Riverside Avenue a block at a time.  Six months into construction, my commute down Riverside looked like a slalom run, one that added another 10 minutes to my commute each way.  What finally caused me to move closer to work was when yet more construction started on I-95 which added another 10-15 minutes onto both my morning and evening commute.  Instead of wasting the better part of 2 hours of my day being stuck in traffic, I eliminated the problem by moving across the river.  Now my commute takes all of 10 minutes each way without a traffic snarl in sight.  Moving 2-years ago was the best decision I ever made.  If you are tired of spending your time stuck in traffic 5-days a week, do what I did: Move closer to your job. 

Reason #5 – Breaking up is hard to do

Relationships are tough.  Whether you have lived with your spouse or significant other for 20 weeks or 20 years, sometimes there comes a time when it’s time to go your separate ways.  The toughest part about breaking up for many people is dividing the spoils.  Particularly if you have lived with your partner for a decade or more, many of your possessions, memorabilia and even your pets will have a strong emotional attachment to both of you.  Trying to find a way to amicably divide what the two of you have amassed can be extremely difficult under the best of circumstances.  That’s why they say, “Breaking up is hard to do.”

Reason #6 – Family comes first
Image courtesy of Scott's Discount Movers

As life goes on, change is inevitable.  Everything from job transfers to health problems or aging parents can throw a monkey wrench into your meticulously organized life.  Any of these considerations can necessitate a move.  Even the need to move to a neighborhood that has better schools for your kids sometimes makes sense.  After all, family comes first.

Reason #7 – Time to Retire

Another prime reason to consider making a move is when you retire.  Whether you are considering downsizing your empty nest, or moving into a retirement-friendly development, you are not alone.  Among the 20 fastest growing areas to which retirees relocated in 2015, six were in Florida. 

Reason #8 – Show me the money

After the real estate bubble burst in 2008, many people were fleeing homes they could no longer afford to keep.  That being said, another prime motivation to making a move is economic.  Whether you have just gotten a big raise and are looking to move up, or you have just been downsized and are looking to lighten the load by moving into more affordable accommodations, money is the number one reason to move.

Reason +9 – Time for a change of pace

Image courtesy of Scott's Discount Movers
Feel as though you are stuck in a rut?  Or, do you find it hard getting out of bed most mornings.  If you have lived in the same place for a decade or more, maybe what you need is a change of pace along with a change of place.  Jacksonville is full of possibilities.  Have you always dreamed of living close enough to the beach so you could surf or fish any time you got the urge?  Maybe it’s time to experience something new. 

Reason #10 – Move to Florida

Moving from one side of town to another is one thing, but moving from one side of the country to the other is another thing.  Aside from economic considerations, the reason most people move to Florida is obvious.  I mean, they don’t call it the Sunshine State for nothing.  Having moved to Jacksonville from the Northeast myself, I can tell you that never having to worry about driving on icy roads and being able to photo bomb my old pals up north every time they have a snowstorm and the weather is in the 80’s down here is reason enough to realize I made the right move more than 20 years ago.

With over 4,000 moves, Scott's Discount Movers  has handled moves of all sizes, including local and cross country. If you are looking to move your home or office, you can depend on Scott's Discount Movers to provide a stress-free relocation. 


  1. Everybody needs to move sooner or later. The trick is to make it as hassle-free as possible. Take it from a guy who has done so many times. Hire a mover. Your chiropractor will thank you.

  2. I have moved several times in my life and these tips would have been very helpful during those moves.
